Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the most common questions we hear from our Clients - if you need additional support or do not see an answer to your questions, please contact us and speak with an RRP Expert today. We are available to assist you Monday - Friday from 8am until 8pm ET.

1. Why do I need to complete this training?
2. Do I have to become a certified Renovator if I am already a certified abatement supervisor?
3. What do I have to do to become a certified Renovator?
4. Where can I find this training?
5. Who are the trainers for these courses?
6. Other than training, what else do I need in order to be in compliance?
7. What are the responsibilities of a firm?
8. When does the rule go into effect?
9. How long is the accreditation good for?
10. Do all of my workers have to go through this training?
11. Is it true that work performed under this rule does not require 3rd party clearance examination?
12. Who is responsible for enforcing the rule?
13. What is the legal status of this guide?
14. Is painting considered renovation if no surface preparation activity occurs?
15. What if I renovate my own home?
16. Is a renovation performed by a landlord or employees of a property management firm considered a compensated renovation under the RRP lead program rules?
17. Do I have to give out the lead pamphlet 7 days prior to beginning renovation activities?
18. Still have questions?

1. Why do I need to complete this training?

The new EPA rules state that any contractor participating on renovation projects on buildings or spaces that were built before 1978 must get certified under the guidelines of the Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule or they will face fines of $37,500 per day that they are working in a qualified space. The cost of getting certified is literally less than 1 percent the cost of a one-day fine.

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2. Do I have to become a certified Renovator if I am already a certified abatement supervisor?

Yes. As a certified abatement supervisor, you will be required to take a half day (4-hour) "refresher" course. This is also true for those who have completed the lead abatement worker, or any recognized "Lead Safe Work Practices" courses, including the lead based paint maintenance training program "Work Smart, Work Wet and Work Clean to Work Lead Safe," prepared by NATA for EPA and HUD; "The Remodelers and Renovators Lead Based Paint Training Program," prepared by HUD and NARI; or other courses previously approved by HUD for this purpose after consultation with EPA.

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3. What do I have to do to become a certified Renovator?

A person can become a certified renovator by either:

  • Successfully completing an accredited renovator training course, or
  • Successfully completing an accredited refresher renovator training course if the individual previously completed an accredited abatement worker or supervisor course, or has completed an EPA, HUD, or EPA/HUD model renovation training course (commonly known as Lead Safe Work Practices). Proof of prior training must be submitted and verified by the training provider.
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4. Where can I find this training?

The trainers that promote their courses on EPA LEAD CERTIFICATION MICHIGAN offer open-enrollment workshops across the state as well as in-house training at your office. You can sign up for one of their scheduled courses online, or contact customer support on this page.

5. Who are the trainers for these courses?

EPA LEAD CERTIFICATION MICHIGAN is a market place for EPA and State Approved Trainers to sell their construction safety training courses. You can always be confident about who is providing your training on this site by viewing the "Provider" section at the very top of all course registration pages.
NOTE: EPA LEAD CERTIFICATION MICHIGAN is NOT the trainer for all of the courses provided on this website; this website is an ecommerce platform for trainers to sell their courses online.

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6. Other than training, what else do I need in order to be in compliance?

In addition to training, your firm must become an accredited Renovation Firm by applying to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The registration fee is $300, separate from the training fee, and accreditation is valid for 5 years. You must have both the training certificate and the firm certificate present on all qualifying job sites.

EXCEPTIONS: EPA has the authority to authorize states, tribes and territories to administer their own RRP program that would operate in lieu of the EPA regulations. Currently the following states have been authorized by EPA and may have different compliance requirements from the federal program: Alabama, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin.

Contractors who attend our courses and perform work in the following states are required to register with the state in lieu of the EPA: Alabama, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin. Click here to learn more.

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7. What are the responsibilities of a firm?

In addition to obtaining a Renovation Firm License, firms performing renovations must ensure that:

  • All persons performing renovation activities are certified renovators or have received on-the-job training by a certified renovator;
  • A certified renovator is assigned to each renovation performed by the firm; and
  • All renovations are performed in accordance with applicable work practice standards.
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8. When does the rule go into effect?

As of April 2010, all renovations must be performed by certified firms in accordance with the work practice standards and associated record keeping requirements. We suggest that you submit your Renovation Firm application to EPA or EPA-Authorized State at least 8 weeks in advance of the date you would need the certification.

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9. How long is the accreditation good for?

EPA-Accredited Firms will have to re-apply for re-certification every 5 years. To maintain individual certification, a person must go through an accredited refresher course every 5 years.

The following states have exceptions:
Alabama, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin. Click here to learn more.

10. Do all of my workers have to go through this training?

It depends - if you work on HUD or other government projects, you MAY need to have all workers certified. If this applies to you, please contact your Client or local jurisdiction to see what their requirements are. If your project is not HUD or government, there is only one certified Renovator required at your company but you must give on the job training to other persons performing renovation activities. In addition, you are required to maintain records of this training. Remember: a certified Renovator must be assigned to each renovation project, so you will likely need more than one certified Renovator if you have multiple jobs going on simultaneously.

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11. Is it true that work performed under this rule does not require 3rd party clearance examination?

Yes, after the renovation is complete, the firm must clean the work area. The certified Renovator must verify the cleanliness of the work area using a procedure involving disposable cleaning cloths. However, you may request that a clearance be performed by a certified professional.

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12. Who is responsible for enforcing the rule?

US EPA is the enforcing agency. In addition, EPA has the authority to authorize states, tribes and territories to administer their own RRP program that would operate in lieu of the EPA regulations. Currently the following states have been authorized by EPA and may have different compliance requirements from the federal program: Alabama, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin.

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13. What is the legal status of this guide?

This FAQ guide was prepared pursuant to section 212 of SBREFA. EPA has tried to help explain in this guide what you must do to comply with the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and EPA'2s lead regulations. However, this guide has no legal effect and does not create any legal rights. Compliance with the procedures described in this guide does not establish compliance with the rule or establish a presumption or inference of compliance. The legal requirements that apply to renovation work are governed by EPA's 2008 Lead Rule, which governs if there is any inconsistency between the rule and the information in this guide.

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14. Is painting considered renovation if no surface preparation activity occurs?

No. If the surface to be painted is not disturbed by sanding, scraping, window replacement, or other activities that may cause dust, the work is not considered renovation and the EPA's or Authorized State's lead program requirements do not apply. However, painting projects that involve surface preparation that disturbs paint, such as sanding and scraping, would be covered.

15. What if I renovate my own home?

The RRP lead program rules apply only to renovations performed for compensation; therefore, if you work on your own home, the rules do not apply. EPA encourages homeowners to use lead-safe work practices, nonetheless, in order to protect themselves, their families, and the value of their homes.

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16. Is a renovation performed by a landlord or employees of a property management firm considered a compensated renovation under the RRP lead program rules?

Yes. The receipt of rent payments or salaries derived from rent payments is considered compensation under EPA's lead program. Therefore, renovation activities performed by landlords or employees of landlords are covered.

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17. Do I have to give out the lead pamphlet 7 days prior to beginning renovation activities?

The 7-day advance delivery requirement applies only when you deliver the lead pamphlet by mail; otherwise, you may deliver the pamphlet anytime before the renovation begins as long as the renovation begins within 60 days of the date that the pamphlet is delivered. For example, if your renovation is to begin May 30, you may deliver the pamphlet in person anytime between April 1 and start of the project on May 30, or you may deliver the pamphlet by mail anytime between April 1 and May 23.

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18. Still have questions?

Contact customer support on this page and we will be glad to help you!

Lead Certification Training

EPA Lead Certification is required for any renovation that disturbs more than 6 square feet of interior or 20 square feet of exterior lead paint in residential or child-occupied facilities built before 1978. Failure to comply puts you at risk to be fined by the EPA & Local Government.